This is an update on the selection process for the Civic Art Request for Acquisitions (RFA) at the Houston Airports.
As we shared in our last email in January, panels were taking place in the first quarter of this year. I’m pleased to share that panels were completed in alignment with that schedule and we’ve now moved on to the next phase of the RFA process.
While there are no actions required of you at this time, I welcome you to read on for more context on the next steps for HAA and the City.
April-May 6: HAA Board Approval
Panel recommendations are provided to the HAA Board. The Board reviews the award recommendations and ensures guidelines and standards were adhered to during the paneling process. The Board does not make changes to panel recommendations as it relates to the actual artwork.
Beginning May 7: City Approval
Once approved by the HAA Board, panel recommendations are sent to the City for review. The City will then provide final approval of selection recommendations to HAA. This part of the process does not have a firm deadline. It is typically three weeks.
Award Notifications
Once the City approves panel recommendations, HAA will send selection notifications to all applicants.
If you have any questions about the RFA process, please feel free to contact the civic art team through the HAA Support Desk, which is managed by several individuals to ensure a prompt response.
We thank you for your continued patience and for your work.
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